Sunday, November 30, 2008

Latinos are upset at Barack Obama

During Clinton's administration Bill Richardson was energy secretary and ambassador to the United Nations he has enough experience to be the Secretary of State, so what happen? Well we don't know and Latinos are upset that Hilary Clinton was offer the position over Bill Richardson after he favored Barack Obama over Clinton during the Democratic Primary. Grass-root immigrant rights activists disagree with the possibility of Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano to be nominated as head of the Department of Homeland Security. Latinos like the fact that Obama wants to make this cabinet a divers one but want more Latinos to be involve in higher positions. Latinos feel their leaders were nominated as a last resource because Obama was nominating white men , women, and African Americans before nominating any Latino until Bill Richardson. We start to see Latinos been place in higher positions for example last Wednesday Cecilia Munos was appointed as the director of Intergovernmental Affairs administration and Bill Richardson as commerce secretary. Latinos might be upset right now but soon will realize that this adminstration will help the United States recover and it won't matter how many latinos were involve what matter is that they help.;_ylt=AsVT224SRb4c3M8WpQeq1FUGw_IE

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