Friday, April 17, 2009

Cuba vs. the Unites States

Cuba vs. the Unites States.Today President Barack Obama arrived in Trinidad this morning. As the President of the United States he wants to ‘seek a new beginning with Cuba’. He would like to speak face to face with the Regime of Cuba, the question is: Will he be able to create a relationship with Cuba now that Fidel Castro is not in leadership? President Obama wants to speak to Raul Castro about human rights, free speech, democratic reform, drugs, immigration and the economy. He strongly believes the United States will create a relationship with Cuba even if it takes a while. He mentions rebuilding a trust will be difficult but not impossible. Almost immediately after Obama extended the offer, Raul Castro responded and agreed to speak to him about human rights, free speech, democratic reform, drugs, immigration and the economy or about whatever else. This is the first time Cuba ever agreed to speak with the United States since the Eisenhower administration. Let’s hope that any relationship Obama creates with Cuba is a peaceful one.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Federal Budget Deficit

The Federal Budget deficit as of today is 192.3 billion dollars. That means that the Federal government is spending 192.3 billion dollars that our treasury can not afford to spend. Most of the money is spent to help through this recession. The Federal Budget Deficit is expected to be at its highest with Obama’s Administration. It is estimated that the federal Budget deficit will go as high as 1.75 trillion dollars meaning it will be four times more than last year.

Out of 956.3 billion dollars already spent 300 billion dollars was already given out to the national bank and other companies to help with the financial crisis. Obama’s administration will continue to increase the Federal Budget Deficit all the way through 2019. The money that is given to help business survive this harsh financial crisis this allows President Obama to believe that the economy is actually getting better. On the other hand the lower class sees no actual change. Families don’t have enough money to pay the rent and pay off all the bills so really how much is the bailout money really helping us?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Help Madagascar!!!

Madagascar's president resigned this week he handed his power to the military. The United States like always wanted to help Madagascar but President Barack Obama made it clear that the United States is not in the right condition to help other countries.

Even though the United States has a relationship with Madagascar the U.S has suspend billions of dollars that would be provided to them today Friday March 20, 2009. The change of government in Madagascar as Matthew Lee mention in the Associated Press was unconstitutional.

The State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development have worked closely with Madagascar and since no aid will be provided to them, they fear that this might hurt the work they have done together. Sorry!!! Madagascar but we can not afford to be humanitarians because we are going through a recession.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Food Stamps and Pink Slips!

Many of the teachers and faculty at Los Angeles High School of the Art might be loosing their jobs by the end of the school year. I wonder how New York is paying for their teachers and expanding the eligibility for more families to receive Food Stamps in such bad economy. On March 1, 2009 Commissioner David A. Hansell believes that it is right for many more families to receive food stamps and provided their families with food, but what happens to our teachers who might be loosing their job. Does that mean they will have to apply for Food Stamps too? A solution to this problem would be to use the money to provide more jobs therefore many can start buying their food and forget about food Stamps. I believe that providing food stamps for the most needy is a mandatory entitlement, but I believe that an education should also be something mandatory because it is something that we all benefit form and everyone pays for. Ironic we all pay for it but not all benefit, in this case our teachers.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It is August 31, 2010

Mothers have sons, daughters, brothers, and even husbands at war. Husbands have sons, daughter, sisters, brothers, and even wives in war. Their worries will be over on August 31, 2010, President Barack Obama will declared the war to be over by then. In the mean time he intends to withdraw 100,000 troops for Iraq. He strongly advises the Iraqis to take the support he offers them. Obama feels very passionate about the war in Iraq along with fixing the economy he wants to make the war his first priority. He really feels that the mission is not over, he will completely withdraw all the troops when he knows that the streets of Iraq are safe to walk trough, “We will leave the Iraqi people with a hard-earned opportunity to live a better life. That is your [troops] achievement. That is the prospect that you [troops] have made possible." We THANK the Soldiers of American to have been fighting an insignificant war. They will really bring peace to the citizens of Iraq and to the citizens of America. Just like Eisenhower put an end to the Korean War and Nixon to the Vietnam War, President Obama will put an end to the Iraq War. “Yes He Can!”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Federal Bureau of Reclamation announced that there isn’t enough water to give away to the central valley. After three years of dry weather the valley has to deal with only receiving 75% of water mention in there contract. The General Manager of the Westlands Water Districts claimed that they will try to do the best they can because they do not want to loose so many years of investments. They will keep as many trees alive in whatever way they can. Saving the trees are not enough because now Farmer owner have abounded their land leaving Mendota at a 40% of unemployment. Global Warming has affect out weather and it has also affected the economy, now so many have been unemployed and will have to figure out away to survive under our recession. Water Agencies have asked the public to really conserve water in order to really help the farmer of California.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Who is Elena Kagan?

As we all know that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is ill, who knows how long is she going to remain in the Supreme Court? Well no one knows, on the other hand the Senate Judiciary Committee is looking to find the next Solicitor General. Therefore President Barack Obama has let out to the media his candidate for Solicitor General. His nominee choice is Elena Kagan. She is a dean at Harvard Law School for 6 years now. She is only 48 years old, the reason why so many believe she is not right for the job. President Barack Obama has a lot to deal with and they don’t believe she deal with it.

On the other hand Senator Orrin G. Hatch form Utah believes that she is the right candidate even if she doesn’t have enough experience. He states that, “There’s no doubt in my mind that she would be high in their pecking order. “But they’ve made such a fuss about the need to have judicial experience, and she’s had absolutely none. Has she had any experience arguing before the Supreme Court? Not that I know.” Does she have enough experience lets see; she serve as clerked for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and she also worked in the White House as a police aide for Bill Clinton. Does she have enough experience well she has to prove to be good enough to represent the United States.