Sunday, August 24, 2008

Is Democratic-led Congress to blame for the high gas prices?

Congress left on the month of August to break without a solution to the fuel prices. Democrats have proposed to use reserve petroleum or to encourage companies to drill on leased federal land, but republicans don’t want to. Republicans consider going out to look for petroleum in the areas of the Outer Continental Shelf which is the, “sloping land that stretches for miles undersea between the coastlines and the deep ocean” just like they are doing now in the waters in the western Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska, but congress has restrictions against getting petroleum form the ocean floors.

This makes President George W. Bush very upset and blames the Democratic-led congress, he claims that, “they need to stop standing in the way of expanding domestic production and take meaningful steps now to address the pain caused by high energy prices.” President Bush believes that by drilling oil in the outer continental shelf, drivers, and small business, farmers, and ranchers would be relief from paying so much money for gas. He also believes that drilling for petroleum can be done in an environmental way.

Even though President Bush blames the Democratic-Led Congress, House speaker Nancy Pelosi report that lawmakers consider drilling oil in outer continental shelf already. This will hopefully provided more petroleum supply and reduce high prices. Experts say that petroleum from the ocean floors can provide America with gas for at least 10 more years, but what good can it do. What will happen after we run out of petroleum? Finding more can only continue to harm the environment therefore making global warming worst.;_ylt=AldH9E4nYfLlDCRzv0RRKOSyFz4D

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