Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Removing American Troops in Baghdad?

Since the war began in 2003 4,147 U.S military personnel have died in Iraq. Baghdad’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki wants U.S troops out of Iraq by 2011. Al-Maliki knows that they can come up with a compromise to remove the troops. The U.S on the other hand wants to continue training and advising Iraq's security. Even though the White House and Iraq have not made a decision yet.

The White House spokesman Tony Fratto said he really wants Iraq and the U.S to reach a mutual agreement on flexible goals, but President George W. Bush wants to keep playing guessing games. President Bush has stated that he wants to set a “General time horizon” which means that a date is not actually set. The Prime Minister Al-Maliki doesn’t agree with that term in fact he dislikes the term “General Time Horizon” because he does not have an exact time when the troops will be removed.

The U.S and Iraq have worked on a date to remove American Combat Troops from Baghdad. They has slightly consider June 2009. But the U.S is very frustrated with the Iraqi officials because they consider negotiation really difficult to make. They have to go through at least 275 members in parliament. Part of the parliament is against finding an agreement.

Hopefully the U.S and Iraq find a compromise and remove the troops in Iraq because we really need to save soldiers lives. In general the war should completely end.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Is Democratic-led Congress to blame for the high gas prices?

Congress left on the month of August to break without a solution to the fuel prices. Democrats have proposed to use reserve petroleum or to encourage companies to drill on leased federal land, but republicans don’t want to. Republicans consider going out to look for petroleum in the areas of the Outer Continental Shelf which is the, “sloping land that stretches for miles undersea between the coastlines and the deep ocean” just like they are doing now in the waters in the western Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska, but congress has restrictions against getting petroleum form the ocean floors.

This makes President George W. Bush very upset and blames the Democratic-led congress, he claims that, “they need to stop standing in the way of expanding domestic production and take meaningful steps now to address the pain caused by high energy prices.” President Bush believes that by drilling oil in the outer continental shelf, drivers, and small business, farmers, and ranchers would be relief from paying so much money for gas. He also believes that drilling for petroleum can be done in an environmental way.

Even though President Bush blames the Democratic-Led Congress, House speaker Nancy Pelosi report that lawmakers consider drilling oil in outer continental shelf already. This will hopefully provided more petroleum supply and reduce high prices. Experts say that petroleum from the ocean floors can provide America with gas for at least 10 more years, but what good can it do. What will happen after we run out of petroleum? Finding more can only continue to harm the environment therefore making global warming worst.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Are they playing games or what?

In the 2008 elections presidential candidates seem to attack each other. For example starting out with Obama and Clinton, now it is between McCain and Obama who insult each other especially through their presidential ads.

In the last Presidential ads coming form John McCain he has planted the idea that Obama doesn’t have enough experience to become the president. He has also mentions that, “the bottom lines is that Sen. Obama’s words, for all their eloquence and passion, don’t mean all that much.” Senator McCain has not only insulted Obama politically but has also insulted him personally. He has stated that, “Celebrities like to spend their million. Barack Obama is no difference. Only it’s your money he wants to spend.” Senator McCain has aired about 13,000 anti-Obama ads and only 302 don’t mention Obama which means that the other 12,698 do mention him or have a hidden message against his campaign. There are people who are willing to support Obama even through messages against him, and those people are mostly young voter and blacks and also are found among women.

McCain is not the only throwing punches because Obama is ready for the fight. Senator Barack Obama has aired 10,000 and 9,000 ads are against Senator John McCain. Obama’s latest ad criticizes McCain’s economic plans. Obamas has mention that McCain is just another Bush because he has similar ideas like Bush towards the economy. That’s why Obama question the people in America “Can we really afford more of the same?” Obama has also question McCain’s pride towards the country challenging him to stop the war. Yet McCain had many supports among whites, men, republicans and evangelicals.

It seems to me like the Presidential Election of 2008 is very interesting especially because the attacks seem to be very candid. Well I don’t really know if we expect maturity from the candidates, but they seem to be concentrated on who can come up with better comebacks and not as much on how they can really help the country.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Barack Obama or John McCain?

There is much talk about how the economy is in terrible conditions and question who would do something to improve it; Senator Barack Obama or senator John McCain?

A few years ago during Bill Clinton's administration senator Hilary Clinton proposed to raise taxes in order to improve the economy and today senator Barack Obama has consider the Olympics 2008 to air his economic plan ad. In a brief 30 second commercial Obama explains what his economic plan includes: demanding overseas companies to pay taxes. He is willing to help those business that help create job opportunities in the United States. He is also willing to lower taxes to help the middle class families. Obama claims he will raise taxes to those who make 250,000 or more annually even though it can take 10 years to occur. Experts on the other hand don't see that raising taxes can really help grow the economy since only 20 percent make about 250,000 a year.

Former Chief Executive of Hewlett-Packard mentions that," the reality of Barack Obama's record is the following: he has voted to raise taxes 94 times in his short time as senator." Obama really believes that raising taxes can help the growth of economy. Obama has hope that his plan works in the long run.

Meanwhile Senator McCain's campaign express that Obama's plans of raising taxes would not work in the contrary it can hurt the development of employment. McCain plans to improve the economy by lowering taxes.

Who is really willing to improve the economy? Right now the odds favor Barack Obama.

To view obamas economic video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_5h4QuIMpw