Cuba vs. the Unites States.Today President Barack Obama arrived in Trinidad this morning. As the President of the United States he wants to ‘seek a new beginning with Cuba’. He would like to speak face to face with the Regime of Cuba, the question is: Will he be able to create a relationship with Cuba now that Fidel Castro is not in leadership? President Obama wants to speak to Raul Castro about human rights, free speech, democratic reform, drugs, immigration and the economy. He strongly believes the United States will create a relationship with Cuba even if it takes a while. He mentions rebuilding a trust will be difficult but not impossible. Almost immediately after Obama extended the offer, Raul Castro responded and agreed to speak to him about human rights, free speech, democratic reform, drugs, immigration and the economy or about whatever else. This is the first time Cuba ever agreed to speak with the United States since the Eisenhower administration. Let’s hope that any relationship Obama creates with Cuba is a peaceful one.